Thursday, June 12, 2008

Circus Day at Preschool

I am behind on my posting, so I am hopefully going to catch you all up over the next several days! This was Circus day at Matthew's preschool. Of course, it was several weeks ago, but the pictures are just to cute not to share. He actually wore this costume when he was 2. I was sure it wouldn't fit, and he was sure it would! He was right! Who would have thought to just pull up the legs and wear different colored "baseball" socks! Duh, Matthew would of course, cause that as he told me -- "that's what ALL clown's do it anyway mom!" He was ready for a show!!

Matthew and Jaycie

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The Wilsons said...

We're finally the "stupid parents" we NEVER thought we'd be! lol

Vanessa said...

So cute!! You are getting some use out of those blue wigs! LOL!!