Thursday, November 13, 2008

Halloween 2008

I was away in Dallas with Chance's Gram this year and missed Halloween with the boys. I wasn't even going to post these pictures cause they were so bad, but decided, what the heck, they are are all I have of the night, so ENJOY!! Lane was a baseball player. Matthew was a football player. Noah was a cowboy! I guess you could wonder by the pictures if the photographer (Chance) didn't know what he was doing, or if there were literally ghosts lurking about that night!! SPOOKY!!!

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The Wilsons said...

I, too, missed Halloween with the young'ins. I had to work Judgment House. Your fared a bit better than mine though.... I didn't even get pics! My kit. table covered in candy proved they had a fun evening though :)

Amanda said...

I would venture to say Chance PURPOSELY slowed the shutter speed to enhance the mood for the night and make the light in the pictures blur! Goodness Beth Ann... you're husband has yet ANOTHER talent!