Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Why don't I get much accomplished around the house in one day???....... I put it in the basket, Noah takes it out of the basket. And you can forget trying to fold it it. He thinks that is a game as well, called "Let's run through Mommies Mountains of Clothes"!!!!! HAHAHAHA Also, if you will notice my dust mop seems to be out of place as well. He spends his day cleaning out my ALL my closets also!! I spend my day trailing behind him "rearranging" them!! I have to say though -- I have managed to get rid of some junk this way!! Yesterday I actually bribed him with gummy worms just so I could fold a load of laundry. The laundry got folded, but if we have to keep up this habit, the poor kid may not have any teeth left! LOL

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The Wilsons said...

That boy is a "WEEKS"! He looks like Corbin with blond hair!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am NOT eating any chicken at mom's house again unless I see the store wrapper on the package!!!!! Linda

Vanessa said...

Too cute! At least it is Noah running through the clean clothes and not three dogs like at our house. LOL

The Wilsons said...

So how is life treating yall at the chicken ranch now?

Amanda said...

Noah doesn't look the least bit bothered about your house cleaning deficits!

Amanda said...