Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thing One & Thing Two

Mrs. Spinney's Class

Thing 1 & Thing 2

Thing 1 waits for the bus!

Along Came Thing 3

Platt Elementary had a book parade on Friday. So Lane and his best buddy Taelin schemed up this "brilliant" idea to dress up as Thing One and Thing Two out of the well know book, the "Cat and the Hat, by Dr. Seuss." Honestly, I couldn't have thought of anything more appropriate for the two of them to have been after some of the reports Tealin's mom and I have received over behavioral "issues" between the two of them!! They ride the school bus together and I would have given just about anything to have a picture of the two sitting in their seat wearing their fros!! Too FUNNY!! So here a few pics from the school day and you will see by days end (in the last picture) we added THING THREE to our treo -- he came out of nowhere "sporting" this blue fro -- isn't he adorable!!


Vanessa said...

Too cute! Maybe I can borrow the fro?? LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Love the hair!!! I bet they were the talk of the school!! Linda