Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Why don't I get much accomplished around the house in one day???....... I put it in the basket, Noah takes it out of the basket. And you can forget trying to fold it it. He thinks that is a game as well, called "Let's run through Mommies Mountains of Clothes"!!!!! HAHAHAHA Also, if you will notice my dust mop seems to be out of place as well. He spends his day cleaning out my ALL my closets also!! I spend my day trailing behind him "rearranging" them!! I have to say though -- I have managed to get rid of some junk this way!! Yesterday I actually bribed him with gummy worms just so I could fold a load of laundry. The laundry got folded, but if we have to keep up this habit, the poor kid may not have any teeth left! LOL

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Monday, April 28, 2008

The BIGGEST Box of .........

You got it!! We are the proud new owners of 8 Jersey Giant Chickens!! Yes, they even lay eggs!! Isn't this going to be fun!!! WoooHooo! Can't you hear the excitement in my voice!!

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Friday, April 25, 2008


Most of the time lil boys grow up wanting to follow in their daddy 's footsteps. Well, for now, not Noah. He spends his time trying to fit his little finger tips into his big brothers ball gloves. The rest of the time tring to keep his little their shoes on !! He is a very busy little fellow. Though if he could REALLY talk I am sure he would NOT appreciate me calling him little.

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thing One & Thing Two

Mrs. Spinney's Class

Thing 1 & Thing 2

Thing 1 waits for the bus!

Along Came Thing 3

Platt Elementary had a book parade on Friday. So Lane and his best buddy Taelin schemed up this "brilliant" idea to dress up as Thing One and Thing Two out of the well know book, the "Cat and the Hat, by Dr. Seuss." Honestly, I couldn't have thought of anything more appropriate for the two of them to have been after some of the reports Tealin's mom and I have received over behavioral "issues" between the two of them!! They ride the school bus together and I would have given just about anything to have a picture of the two sitting in their seat wearing their fros!! Too FUNNY!! So here a few pics from the school day and you will see by days end (in the last picture) we added THING THREE to our treo -- he came out of nowhere "sporting" this blue fro -- isn't he adorable!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Fielders Stance

This was taken by my friend Amanda at Matthew's first game on Saturday. I absolutely loved it and had to share it with you all. Ball season has officially started so this is what you will all be hearing about the next several months.