Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Smile

A Wave

And a kiss good bye

Lane was thrilled to have his lil' buddy riding with him this morning -- Seriously!!

Yesterday was a success!! Matthew loves kindergarten!! Well, at least he does so far! His favorite thing he did was eat -- in the cafeteria! HA!! I am sure there will be others, but for the first day, that was the big hit!! Today, I am sure it will be riding the school bus, or as we called it growing up, cheese mobile, or yellow hound!! None the less, he was up an at 'em at 5:45 a.m. this morning. Did I mention he was so tired he went to sleep at 7:00 last night after sending his little friend Alyssa home from playing because he was so tired after his first day!! Had I not known better, I would have sworn he was sick! I know she surely thought he was sick in the head, not wanting to play!! Here are some pictures to the marked morning. This day was much more difficult for me than yesterday -- something about giving them that independence!! Hard for me to let go of that I guess!! So Matthew, to answer you question, "did I cry?", there were few tears yesterday, but many tears today as I watched you step onto that bus like a big boy!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

And He's Off....

Well, the day finally came!! Matthew started kindergarten today! It is a day of excitement of joy and yes, I must admit, a few tears!! I can hardly believe he is already going to school!! He is thrilled to say the least. He told me this morning -- "I am so excited, I might just pee in my pants!" Ha! He is something else I tell ya. He asked me if I was glad he wasn't gonna be "left out" anymore? Meaning that he had been left out all last week cause Lane had been in school and he had still been stuck at home -- for lack of a better word "torturing" me!! Noah bless his heart will have to adjust now -- he still wants to know "where -my Matt"? All the way home from dropping him off it was Matt, Matt, Matt. Tomorrow he will be riding the bus with big brother Lane so stay tuned for more photos and probably a few more tears as I let go of one more of my babies!!

Stepping out into the world!

Ready to learn

You can go now mom!!

One last afternoon Hurrah!!

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Friday, August 22, 2008

"I wish I was a dog, that way I could be loved on all the time!"


Monday, August 18, 2008

Welcome To 3rd Grade

Today Celebrates back to school. Lane is in the 3rd grade. Or as he puts it, the big man on campus. He is very excited about being a 3rd grader. His homeroom teacher is Mrs. Turner and she will be team teaching with Mrs. Schilling. Those were his top picks for teachers so he was thrilled about that as well. I think it is going to be an exciting year. We had our annual back to school breakfast with friends as Sonic this morning!! What a good time we had!! I had planned on waking Lane up this morning but when I came through the living room at 6 a.m. there he sat on the couch dressed and ready to go. He said "morning mom"! I was SHOCKED!! He says he is going to het up by himself this year, but we will sea how long that lasts!! Stay tuned as Matthew will be starting Kindergarten next week.

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Oh Matthew!!

The other day, Matthew went to the Dollar Store with his Nana. He dressed himself. At the dollar store he happen to run into his daddy and friend from church. We couldn't have been prouder of him!! At least he managed to have the shoes color coordinated (camouflage). That was his explanation anyway!! I obviously didn't see him when he left the house!! And he obviously couldn't find two of the same shoes!! I always said he was a "free spririt".

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Back in the Saddle

This past weekend the boys and I went on one last summer hurrah to Mimi's and Pop's house. The boys had a ball to say the least. In fact, Lane still wishes he was there!! After falling off the horse when he was 2 years old, he has FINALLY gotten the courage to get back in the saddle again. I think he may be the next, "urban cowboy". He has been learning this summer to ride by himself. He asks all the time when are we gonna get a horse (to keep here) -- for now I hope he can be satisfied going to Mississippi! I have about all I care to feed with a husband, 3 boys, a cat named Salley, 8 Jersey Giant chickens, a rooster named Frank, and now a puppy named Zoey!

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

4th of July

I finally got around to downloading some pictures from my camera today! Here are some from the 4th of July. The boys enjoyed shooting fireworks works at the house this year with their daddy!! Well, let me rephrase that, most of the boys enjoyed it!!

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