Thursday, December 20, 2007

Decorating the Christmas Tree.....

Monday Lane's class enjoyed decorating their Christmas Tree!!

I guess I should have mentioned that is was a "live" tree!

Thanks Mrs. Spinney for being such a good sport!! We had a BLAST!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Visit to the "South Pole"

Noah James is REALLY not impressed by Santa this year!!
"I want a bunny!!"

Santa say's, "A real one? I don't do live stock, they make to much of a mess in my bag!"

Merry ChristMoose!!!

Now NORMALLY I wouldn't post a blog with my husband in his "underwear", but this is priceless!!!!!!

Merry ChristMoose!!!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Noah's 1st Haircut

Noah had his 1st haircut the other day. He really didn't mind at all. He just really hates to sit still and as straight and stringy as his hair is, he really can't afford to move to much.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Today is Lane's 8th birthday!! I can hardly believe it. I say this ALL the time, MY, HOW TIME FLIES!!! Yesterday I checked him out of school early to take him shopping for new shoes he had been asking for. The afternoon was wonderful. He was so excited to see me when I checked him out. He got in the car and said thanks MOM, I love you. Then, as we were walking through the mall, enjoying our time, he even grabbed my hand to hold! I couldn't help but get a little "giddy" inside. I thought that with him turning 8, surely it would be the end of my little boy. I was soooo excited to see that he still has a little "PDA" to share with me from time to time.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

This picture is just to cute not to share. Chance and I were sitting in the office the other night with Noah. Noah was playing with the boys shooting ear muffs.

The 7 and 8 Point Bucks

Hunting season is off to a good start in our neck of the woods. Lane and Chance were in Texas on October 28th for the youth hunt and Lane "dropped" (that's hunting lingo for shot), a seven point. He was so proud. Really, it was hard to say who was prouder him or his daddy. Way to go Lane -- the addiction to the sport only gets worse from here -- just ask your daddy, you'll find him in the woods this time of year!

Chance went hunting with some of his buddies from church on Friday afternoon at their camp. He a planned on spending the night and hunting the next morning. Lucky for ME he dropped his 8 point Friday afternoon, so he came on home to spend some time with his wonderful bride -- yea right. When he got home, I was taking care of a sick baby and running fever myself! He'd been better off staying at the camp this time!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

Gram, Lane (ninja turtle), Noah (lion), ME (as myself), Matthew (power ranger)

What a PRECIOUS lil' lion!!!!

Lane (Ninja Turtle) and Jared (Ninja)

Noah decided he needed a sucker before we started trick or treating!

Boy, did he enjoy it!

Last night we went to our church Fall Festival for Halloween. The boys played games, ate hot dogs and nachos, and went "trunk" or treating. All three of them had a blast. The parents did as well. It was a lot of fun watching the kids collect all their goodies!

Friday, October 26, 2007

2007 Haughton Homecoming Parade

GO BUCS!! Matthew and Jaycie rode in the Homecoming Parade!! What a fun time they had!!
Matthew told Jaycie "I am the football player, sit on my knee like the the cheerleaders do!"

Matthew and Momma

Getting Ready for the Parade! (Matthew, Jaycie, & Cade)
Jaycie ready to throw "sum" candy!

Jaycie and Matthew pose for the camera

Thank you Mrs. Becky for letting us ride in the parade!!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Eastwood Fall Festival

Friday was Fall Festival day at Matthew's Preschool. The instructions for the costumes, according to MATTHEW, were dress up like something you would see on a farm, OR, something at the State Fair. Yes, that's right, he said "state fair". After speaking at length with him about this "assignment", and receiving a note from the teacher, I realized that it was to dress up like something you see on a farm, or a FAIRY TALE. We both had a good laugh over this one!!!

Mrs. Sharon, Matt's teacher, dressed up like a scarecrow! TOO CUTE!!

Matthew, Peyton, and Jaycie, Pose for the camera!

Matthew and Nathan

Mrs. Sharon attempts to take a snap shot with her kiddos!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Smarty Pants

Yesterday was the 2nd Grade Honors Assembly at school. The kids all enjoyed reeceiving their rewards for good grades the 1st nine weeks of school.
Taelin and Lane show off their awards!
Rile, Lane, and Gary made the A/B Honor Roll

A proud "Mamma"

Happy Birthday Noah!! (10/13/07)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007



Monday and Tuesday, I spent the day at home with my Rebath Installer anticipating what my bathroom was gonna look like. It actually turned out better than I ever imagined. Now, to pick out the paint. I picked out the most rich Java Brown. I have been waiting a long time to have my brown and blue room and decided the boys bathroom would be the perfect place. Last night upon leaving choir practice, I got a phone call from Chance with a voice of desperation!!! He said, HURRY!!! Get home, Matthew has dumped the whole gallon of paint on the bathroom floor! When I pulled up in the driveway, Matt met me at front door. "It was an accident!" he proclaimed. I trotted to the bathroom -- there sat chance on the toilet, not using it, but looking desperate! All I could do was laugh -- there was my beautiful Java paint puddled in my bathroom floor. Yes, splashed all over my crisp white walls, spattered on my crisp white toilet and vanity. No use getting worked up, the damage had apparently been done. Poor Lane just took the boys and went and shut them up with him in my bedroom. I guess he knew they were better off in the other end of the house. Of course, it was ALL Matthew's fault according to Chance. He wonders why I don't do projects with the boys when I am home alone! DUH!! Needless to say, thankfully, we got it all cleaned up. But like I said, it is NEVER a dull moment!!!

OOPS! It Happened AGAIN!

Chance assured me the other night after Tweety Bird left, that I wouldn't have move my wreath to another door. Well, HE WAS WRONG!!!! He told me the only reason she had nested there to begin with was because it was fixing to rain. So, I didn't move it. Needless to say, the wreath has been moved after Chance swung a broom at her for another 30 minutes this morning as she flew throughout my living room. She darted in just as he opened the door to leave for work! This time I had to rearrange my living because she rather enjoys my trees and flower arrangements. If she comes back again, she is gonna have to have a Tax I.D. number with her!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Doctor is In

Eastwood Baptist Church / Daycare / Hospital
Dr. Weeks took good care of his patient Miss Grace Wilson at pre-school last week.

An Uninvited Guest

Last night, I opened the door to walk Elisa (little girl from next door) home. My head was nearly taken of Tweety Bird! A little wren seemed to have taken up residency in my wreath and then decide it liked my house (inside) better. That is until it was faced with 3 screaming little boys. It flew around my living room for the better part of 30 minutes. If I moved, or the boys moved, it was buzz our heads. The boys ended up hiding our in my bedroom until I managed to get it out of the house.

Is it gone yet?

I don't think Noah was as scared of the bird as he was from the other two hollering. Matthew wanted to shoot it with his BB gun and couldn't understand why I wouldn't let him!!!


Monday, October 8, 2007

SURPRISE.....A lesson learned.

This is a two-part blog, you might have caught on by my title. Last night after church, Mr. Lynn Beaty promised Matthew a load of dirt to be delivered to our house this week for him to play in. Well, much to our surprise, a BIG lo-boy dump truck rolled up in our driveway this evening sounding it's horn for Matthew to come out. He got to help back the truck up and dump the dirt in a perfect spot for him to play. WOW!! What a SURPRISE!!! Thanks Mr. Lynn.
Now for Part 2. Lane missed school today. He was sooooo tired and drained, just felt terrible. No fever, but he really was sick. Really sick, that is, until the dump truck rolled in!! He scurried out doors to see just what all the commotion was about. Only to take one diving leap into the dirt pile and be told to get back inside cause he stayed home sick today. He hollered "that's not fair, I was just faking!" OOPS!!! Big mistake! Needless to say, he'll be lucky if he gets to play in it this week!!! YEP, you guessed it. After 2 hours of crying because he couldn't play in the dirt, and telling me how unfair I am, I guess you could chalk it up to a LESSON LEARNED!!!!!


I hope you all will enjoy this link as much as I did!!!!!

Saturday, October 6, 2007


What a busy week it has been!!! Sorry it has been awhile since my last update!!! Don't you just hate it when people don't update our blogs -- sometimes it can be like missing your favorite t.v. show or soap opera!!! HAHAHAHAHA

Anyway, Gram went in the hospital on Monday. I am happy to report she got home Thursday and seems to be feeling better each day. She still has a little ways to go as her eye still won't open. Doctor says we will worry about that a later time. The boys are doing great. Matt and Lane are busy with school and preschool, and Noah is busy trying to figure out which "mountain" to climb next.

This is going to be a busy week as well. We will kick it off in our NEW Sanctuary and kids building at church!!! How exciting!!!! Come Join us!!! Then REBATH will be at my house Monday and Tuesday redoing our bathroom -- hopefully I will get it painted before then, if not, it is sure to be there for me. Gram and Noah have doctors appointments this week. Noah is turning 1 year old on the 13th -- yes, that's right, it's already been a whole year!!!! I wish I was happy about him getting "older", but I am not. Lane is getting baptized Sunday the 14th and Mom and Dad will be joining us for that!!!

Sorry to bore you all with such a BLAH BLAH BLAH post, but now at least you are all updated on my life!!! Seems I will just be going in different directions the next few weeks, will update as often as I can!!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Noah James......

I don't have any pictures of this to post, but Noah is 11 months old -- not walking, but definitely climbing!!! Yesterday alone, I found him in a chair (child's recliner), on my dishwasher door, on the weight bench, and standing on the stool in his room holding onto the diaper hamper!! For my sake (and his safety), I hope he forgoes the walking a bit longer!!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Another line from Matthew......

For many of you, I know it hard to believe what a lil booger Matthew can actually be sometimes!!

"Mom is that fake believe?" Obviously he meant make believe, but I like his "slang" so much, I am thinking of using it myself!

Today he was aggravating Lane, not anything out of the ordinary, sometimes I get confused on which one is the big brother. Anyway, he walked up and turned of the Xbox right in the middle of Lane playing it. After a harsh verbal lashing, from me of course, he said, "Mom, I just can't help it, my brain is making me do bad things again!" Is he to much or what?

Matthew got his "wonderful" hair from his daddy (when he had hair). Yes, the double crown and numerous cow licks come from the Weeks side of the family. Anyway, when he got it cut the other day, Brenda had a fun time "styling" it before she cut it!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

A New Brother in Christ

Chance and I were very proud of Lane today as he announced to the church his acceptance of Jesus into his heart this past week. It was a very special and marked moment for Chance and I as parents. Something we anxiously await for as Matthew and Noah grow up as well. As Lane put it, one down and two to go! Matthew is excited about being able to see Lane get "babitized" in the upcoming weeks.

"Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Words From My Children

This morning, I was getting Matthew dressed for school. He was standing on my bed and lost his balance and fell backwards. He laughed and said, "Momma, I can't stand up good cause I don't have a perch!"


Matthew, as most of you know, knows EVERYTHING. His new thing to say about something is "You know how I know that? ---Cause my brain told me."

I had spent the better part of my day Thursday picking up the house -- I had piled things into two baskets, one for Lane's room and one for Matthew's room. When the boys got home I said, very generously, that if they would HELP me unload the baskets in their rooms and correctly put the stuff away, I would pay each of them $3.00. Matthew and I quickly got his done and I moved on to Lane's room -- we got two or three items put away and he said, "I am gonna go in here and do this (can't remember what it was exactly), when you get done putting those things away, just set my $3.00 on my bed!" I couldn't help but laugh, cause he was serious! Chance says he would make a very good spoiled rich child -- Sorry for him that doesn't look to be a very promising future!
Noah has mastered DAAAADAAAAA and MMMMAA

Monday, September 10, 2007

Happy Grandparent's Day!!!

Happy Grandparent's Day!!!!!! Belated!!!!

Lane made a card for his Gram across the street -- I have to add that she is very dear to his heart -- anyway, he included the words "Happy Grandparen'ts Day" and put $3.00 in it. When he gave her the card and she opened it, he told her she could spend the money any way she wanted to.

He did this all on his own -- I honestly had nothing to do with it!!! One thing for sure is he certainly loves her!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Feeding on the Farm

There is no such thing as fashion when it comes to working on the farm!

OOOOO!!! Is that my bottle?

"I don't think she is gonna let me have it!"

Dunkin' Donuts

Noah enjoyed his first taste of donuts and "real" milk the other day for breakfast!!!