Monday, September 10, 2007

Happy Grandparent's Day!!!

Happy Grandparent's Day!!!!!! Belated!!!!

Lane made a card for his Gram across the street -- I have to add that she is very dear to his heart -- anyway, he included the words "Happy Grandparen'ts Day" and put $3.00 in it. When he gave her the card and she opened it, he told her she could spend the money any way she wanted to.

He did this all on his own -- I honestly had nothing to do with it!!! One thing for sure is he certainly loves her!


Anonymous said...

Wow! How sweet is that! You should be very proud! Very nice pic of the two of them.

Tasha said...

How sweet!!!! He surely gets that from you and not Chance!

Tasha said...

How sweet!!!! He surely gets that from you and not Chance!