Sunday, September 16, 2007

A New Brother in Christ

Chance and I were very proud of Lane today as he announced to the church his acceptance of Jesus into his heart this past week. It was a very special and marked moment for Chance and I as parents. Something we anxiously await for as Matthew and Noah grow up as well. As Lane put it, one down and two to go! Matthew is excited about being able to see Lane get "babitized" in the upcoming weeks.

"Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14


Haley said...

What an awesome gift! Tanner is also a new believer- he got saved over the summer. What a wonderful example he will be for Matthew and Noah. There are no words to express the joy you feel when your child makes that decision. And it makes us parents feel like we actually did something "right" Congrats!!

Vanessa said...

Congratulations to Lane. What a special time in his life and in yours! Tell him welcome to the Family!