Friday, September 21, 2007

Another line from Matthew......

For many of you, I know it hard to believe what a lil booger Matthew can actually be sometimes!!

"Mom is that fake believe?" Obviously he meant make believe, but I like his "slang" so much, I am thinking of using it myself!

Today he was aggravating Lane, not anything out of the ordinary, sometimes I get confused on which one is the big brother. Anyway, he walked up and turned of the Xbox right in the middle of Lane playing it. After a harsh verbal lashing, from me of course, he said, "Mom, I just can't help it, my brain is making me do bad things again!" Is he to much or what?


The Wilsons said...

Spice-Matthew (definitely!)
Everything Nice-Lane

Vanessa said...

There's no way he could ever be a "lil booger". He is just too cute! :-)