Monday, August 25, 2008

And He's Off....

Well, the day finally came!! Matthew started kindergarten today! It is a day of excitement of joy and yes, I must admit, a few tears!! I can hardly believe he is already going to school!! He is thrilled to say the least. He told me this morning -- "I am so excited, I might just pee in my pants!" Ha! He is something else I tell ya. He asked me if I was glad he wasn't gonna be "left out" anymore? Meaning that he had been left out all last week cause Lane had been in school and he had still been stuck at home -- for lack of a better word "torturing" me!! Noah bless his heart will have to adjust now -- he still wants to know "where -my Matt"? All the way home from dropping him off it was Matt, Matt, Matt. Tomorrow he will be riding the bus with big brother Lane so stay tuned for more photos and probably a few more tears as I let go of one more of my babies!!

Stepping out into the world!

Ready to learn

You can go now mom!!

One last afternoon Hurrah!!

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Leigh said...

Too cute! Keep us posted!

Sarah said...

Congrats on the first day. He looks spiffy in his uniform! Kendall starts next week. I am trying to prepare myself. Please tell Matthew that Kendall said "way to go!"

Amanda said...

I just hate you have to do this THREE times!