Tuesday, June 12, 2007

1,2,3 CUBS

Swing Batter, Batter! (Matthew)

"Boy, you better back off me!" (Allison Lewis)

Jaycie is getting ready to step up to the plate.

Well, Matthew's WeeBall (teeball) season has come to an end! The kids all had a wonderful time and so did the parents (I think)! I know I had a great time! The kids were usually good for about half the game and then they were more into "snack time". Typical I guess. Next year should be a real treat, most the team will be moving up to the the "real" tee ball league.


The Wilsons said...

please let me know if my 'puter is on the blink, but this is the first time I've EVER seen this post and I check regularly! Love the pics of the Cubs!!

Tasha said...

How cute! I know I had a good time, probably more than the kids did!!!!!