Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The 7 and 8 Point Bucks

Hunting season is off to a good start in our neck of the woods. Lane and Chance were in Texas on October 28th for the youth hunt and Lane "dropped" (that's hunting lingo for shot), a seven point. He was so proud. Really, it was hard to say who was prouder him or his daddy. Way to go Lane -- the addiction to the sport only gets worse from here -- just ask your daddy, you'll find him in the woods this time of year!

Chance went hunting with some of his buddies from church on Friday afternoon at their camp. He a planned on spending the night and hunting the next morning. Lucky for ME he dropped his 8 point Friday afternoon, so he came on home to spend some time with his wonderful bride -- yea right. When he got home, I was taking care of a sick baby and running fever myself! He'd been better off staying at the camp this time!!


Anonymous said...

I bet Chance was on cloud 9 when Lane "dropped" the deer!

Vanessa said...

Way to go Lane...oh yeah, and Chance too! The Weeks family will be eating good this winter!

The Wilsons said...

Call us when you cook it! We'd LOVE to sample some of Lane's bounty :)