Saturday, September 6, 2008

And this would be why..........

Yesterday, around 4:30 in the afternoon Lane came barreling inside and claimed he HAD to take a bath before going to the football game!! I protested to just wash off and not take a bath. Of course I had my reasons -- he of course when against my wishes. When I heard the bath water running, I of course went into the bathroom and proceeded to give him a LARGE piece of my mind on how he NEVER listens and ALWAYS does what he wants to do. While I was giving my short lecture, Noah did exactly what I knew, (this would be my reason for not wanting a 4:30 bath session) he was going to do. He only forgot to do one thing -- see if you can figure it out(see picture)!! Needless to say, Lane's lecture was really brief thanks to Noah so I could get my camera and capture the ever so funny moment!! See around my house, when one boy bathes, they ALL seem to have to bathe and I wasn't wanting to have to do it double time yesterday evening. As you can tell though, I did it anyway. Noah was VERY proud of himsef!! He laughed hysterically outloud!!
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Sarah said...

Same issue here. "Payton you cannot go out to play right now" ends in him tearing out the door anyway (with me right behind him also giving him a piece of my mind!). Your story has a cute ending though! Noah is pretty funny. Have a great week.

The Wilsons said...

Never a dull moment! Sounds JUST like our house too!!!!!

Amanda said...

Only thing I see wrong is that he forgot his rag and soap!