Saturday, June 21, 2008


Once Again, Noah enjoyed playing with his trucks and sand buckets. This time at the ball park. I didn't manage to get any pictures of him actually doing it, but here is the after math!! It took lathering his head up 3 times in the stand up shower and I think a 4th would have still done some good but his patience was running thin to get him clean. But OH BOY did he have a ball a the ball park last night.

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Amanda said...

Adrienne wants to know "who is that kid, and what did he get into?"

Vanessa said...

Boys will be boys!! I love the white slits around his shows he was laughing and having a great time!!

The Wilsons said...

I'm happy to pre-warn you that if they're a 'mud puppy', they still won't grow out of it when they're 32!!!! You're in for dirty clothes on the door-step and showers in the backyard for a long time to come! Hint: keep a scrub brush and bottle of soap near the water hose so you don't have to search the house every time. Then hose their clothes out in the yard before washing them. Randy's had to replace numerous parts on our washer including the transmission!