Thursday, June 26, 2008


Lane asked me to come into the bathroom the other day while he was bathing -- he LOVES taking long relaxing baths. He gets this from his mother! Anyway, he said he had something private to talk to me about. YIKES! Wasn't sure what I was fixin' to get bombarded with. Anyway, he said, "when I get out of the tub can I put some shaving cream on my face?, I been doing it for it awhile no and it sure makes it smooth!" I said, trying to keeping a straight face,"your not old enough to shave. He said,"I know, I use q-tips to scrape the scream off. I will let you feel my face when I am done!" I said," fine by me just so we are we clear that NO RAZORS till 13 or 14 and dad shows you!!" The next day, the Brandon boys came over EARLY cause their momma had to work -- next thing I know I had 4 boys, Lane, Matthew, Lawson, and Jerry Lee "q-tip" shaving in my bathroom!! And for those of you wondering, Lane did make me feel his face and it was smoooooooth! I don't know that I am ready for this even if it is still a few years away!!!


The Wilsons said...

We have a plastic razor hanging in the bathroom beside mine and Randy's. Cute....for now....

Amanda said...

Oh precious, that makes my heart twinge a little too and I don't even have boys...but I am certain that Adrienne and Ella Grace would love to come over and do some q-tip shaving right along with Lane!

Becky said...

Just wait!! The next talk in the bath room just might not be so easy. Enjoy them now