And a kiss good bye
Yesterday was a success!! Matthew loves kindergarten!! Well, at least he does so far! His favorite thing he did was eat -- in the cafeteria! HA!! I am sure there will be others, but for the first day, that was the big hit!! Today, I am sure it will be riding the school bus, or as we called it growing up, cheese mobile, or yellow hound!! None the less, he was up an at 'em at 5:45 a.m. this morning. Did I mention he was so tired he went to sleep at 7:00 last night after sending his little friend Alyssa home from playing because he was so tired after his first day!! Had I not known better, I would have sworn he was sick! I know she surely thought he was sick in the head, not wanting to play!! Here are some pictures to the marked morning. This day was much more difficult for me than yesterday -- something about giving them that independence!! Hard for me to let go of that I guess!! So Matthew, to answer you question, "did I cry?", there were few tears yesterday, but many tears today as I watched you step onto that bus like a big boy!!